What is Float Therapy?

Why float?

The I-Sopod is the largest pod in the world and has room to move around within the tank — it’s the size of a small car. People with claustrophobia consistently report no problems with floating in the I-Sopod. The I-Sopod is 7 ½ feet long and 4 ¾ feet wide. You’re always in control of your environment.

We pioneered the Breathe Float Fan, created by our very own staff member Ross & David. This fan improves the air quality in the tanks, which makes breathing much more natural.

Created by a team of people in London who have been in the floatation industry for 22 years, the design and functionality of the pod is far superior to any other pod on the market.

Book A Float

Float Science

“We’re not just reducing symptoms of mental illness here, we’re enhancing mental wellness.”

Dr Justin Feinstein
Clinical Neuropsychologist

Clinical research examining Floatation-REST has stated mostly helpful effects across a range of distinct stress- and pain-related conditions, containing hypertension, chronic tension headaches, chronic muscle tension pain in the back and neck, and stress-related ache with burnout depression.

There has been numerous studies on people with clinical anxiety, containing generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anorexia nervosa, panic disorder, agoraphobia, and social anxiety disorder, with numerous of these patients additionally presenting with comorbid extreme depressive disorder. The evidence released clearly suggests that Floatation-REST is a trustworthy technique for quickly reducing levels of stress, pain, and anxiety.

Clinical trials are now underway in America, Germany, and Sweden examining the long-term effects of float therapy in people with anxiety disorders, anorexia nervosa, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and insomnia.

See the list of clinical studies here

Your questions answered.

What do I need to know before floating?

Don’t drink coffee for four hours beforehand (it can make your system jittery). Also, don’t shave or wax since the salt water can irritate your skin. Eating a light meal about an hour to 90 minutes ahead of time stops your stomach from sounding like an angry monster while you float. Other than that, there’s no specific preparation needed.

When not to float

If you have just had a coffee
Before shaving or waxing
If you have eaten a large meal or nothing at all (you will be distracted by the sounds of your gargling stomach)
If you have just had a fresh tattoo within the past 5 days
If you have dyed your hair with a water based dye within 2 days
If you are intoxicated by alcohol or drugs
If you are an epileptic where seizures could endanger your safety in the float tank
If you have extremely low blood pressure
If you have impaired kidney disease
If you have a severe skin condition (raw and broken skin) or a contagious disease or infectious skin condition and open/infected wounds
If it has been less than 2 days since you experienced gastroenteritis/diarrhoea
Those with asthma, a heart condition, diabetes should seek advise from their health care provider before coming in.
If you have had chemotherapy (you will need to wait 1 week)
Note: If you are pregnant it's perfectly safe in all trimesters, however in the 1st ask your physician.

What if I'm claustrophobic?

People with claustrophobia consistently report no problems with floating. The pod is 7 1/2 feet long and 4 3/4 feet wide. You’re always in control of your environment, and you can get out at any time. Our pods also come with the new Breathe™ Float Fan, created by our very own staff member Ross. This fan improves the air quality in the tanks, which makes breathing much more natural.

(For those spec curious floaters: During a 60 minute float, the amount of CO2 that accumulates in the tank steadily rises despite the passive vents in the tank. The fan helps deliver fresh air through the rim of the tank, resulting in a 3.5x reduction in ambient CO2.)

Can I drown if I fall asleep?

Nope. Some people fall asleep, but the water is so buoyant that you stay afloat. The worst that can happen is getting woken up by a bit of salt water in your eyes.

How are the tanks kept clean?

The high saline content of the floatation environment plus a tiny amount of disinfectant ensures that nothing harmful can survive within the tank. The highly sterile salt water is fully filtered three and three quarter times between each float, passing through a 1 micron filter and is sanitised with UV light.

Further cleanliness is assured as we tell all customers to shower before and after each float session. See here for more info on how sanitisation is maintained within the tank.

Can I bring a friend?

Absolutely. You can’t float together in the same tank, but you can book floats at the same time.

Can I float if I'm menstruating?

Yes. Just follow the same protocol you would for a swimming pool.

Is this new-agey mumbo jumbo?

Floating has been around for over 50 years, and has oodles of published research to back it up. No mumbo or jumbo here.

Will I have my own private room?

Yes, you have your own private pod room equipped with your own personal shower, which you’ll use before and after your float. For this reason, most people do not wear a swimming costume as this presses against the body and takes away from the experience.

Do I need to bring anything?

If you have longer hair, you may want to bring a comb. Also, something to put your contact lenses into while you’re in the tank. Other than that, we provide everything you need (towels, robes, earplugs, body wash/shampoo).

Are there any side effects?

Not in the true sense of the word. Some first-time floaters can emerge from the tank feeling slightly nauseous. This is actually a good sign as it indicates that built-up stress is in fact leaving the body. We very rarely experience any cases of nausea in subsequent visits.
Nausea can also be caused through dehydration and middle-ear issues, making sure you are properly hydrated is important before your session.

Will I get dehydrated?

No, your skin doesn’t even prune up! You do absorb a lot of magnesium from the Epsom salt though.

Do I have to stay the whole time?

There aren’t any latches on the tank doors, so you can get out anytime. That said, the 60-minutes usually goes by waaaay faster than you’d expect (the average floater usually says it felt like 20-30 minutes long).

Can I float while pregnant?

Our pregnant customers love floating! There is even a special position you can float in that relieves all of the weight of the baby off of the mother’s body. The float tank is a wonderful haven to which pregnant women can escape. It's perfectly safe in all trimesters, however in the 1st, please ask your physician.

Relaxing Float Tank

How a float tank works

The tank was created by neurophysicist Dr John C Lilly 60 years ago when he was doing research on brain waves and altered states of consciousness.

The float tanks look like a large, enclosed bathtub. They are usually built from fibreglass and are designed to block out all external distractions, such as sights, sounds, tactile sensations and gravity.

The reduced stimulation encountered in the floatation tank refocuses your attention to internal stimuli. The sensations of the body become more salient, making the floatation tank a walk-in biofeedback device.

Read more on our blog >

Chakra light therapy

Colour therapy settings range from subtle electric-blue fades to slow scrolls through a series of vibrant colours of our chakra system. The colour of your choice can be held or rotate through them all for a light therapy session.

Man in Float Tank

Deep meditation music

In order to enhance your float experience, the I-Sopod will play Solfeggio Tones for the first ten minutes. This helps create a frequency to get you into the deepest meditative state possible, through brainwave entrainment.

Sanitation in the float tank

The water in the float tank is about 40% Epsom salt in order to ensure that there are no surviving pathogenic organisms.

The entirety of the water is filtered through a one micron filter three and three quarter times after each float and skimmers are used to keep the surface completely clear.

We measure and maintain the pH, alkalinity, specific gravity, the sanitisation levels of the H202 & UV and temperature of the tank air and water.

Man in Float Tank

We help busy and stressed workers find stillness, so they feel more balanced. Discover a new you.

Book a float
Book a Float — allow for 90 mins
Read pre-float instructions we send you
Float laying still
Enjoy a peaceful post-float glow for the days following.